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About ASBM

The Academy of Source Based Medicine is a new online education platform offering classes in herbalism, acupuncture, diagnosis and history with an emphasis on providing the deeper historical and textual context of the medicine. Too often we are simply told to accept certain medical principles without any background on where these ideas came from, how they reflect the theories and biases of specific schools of thought, or how they can be seamlessly integrated with diagnosis and treatment. ASBM aims to restore this context to the medicine, while also providing a practical, systematic approach to diagnosis and treatment rooted in the classical traditions of the Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Disease, The Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon and the Classic of Difficulties with inspiration from the commentary and innovation of scholar-practitioners of the post-classical era. The academy provides an all-encompassing educational experience that will deeply enrich current students' medical and clinical knowledge and will provide renewed confidence and depth of understanding for those already in practice. Come learn with us and join the community!

  • Deepen Your Knowledge

    Immerse yourself in the vast clinical and experiential knowledge of modern and pre-modern practitioners and scholar-physicians

  • Join a Community

    Discuss cases and raise questions in class forums, grow together as students and practitioners, expanding the conversation through dialectic and discussion.

  • Sharpen Clinical Skills

    Learn clinical pearls from our experienced teachers and gain access to the vast trove of clinical knowledge found in throughout millenia of Chinese-language medical literature