Treat Anxiety Effectively

  • Learn Herbal Approaches to Anxiety

    We have 4 classes featuring detailed discussions of how different current master practitioners approach the treatment of anxiety with herbal medicine.

  • Learn Acupuncture Approaches to Anxiety

    From needling techniques, to point selection, pulse-point corrolations, palpation findings and more, we bring you four classes discussing modern masters' approaches to this common disease

  • Learn from the Best

    Our case study discussions feature the most revered and talented physicians in all of China, Taiwan and Japan. Gain exclusive access to the insights and approaches of these modern masters through our various ASBM in Clinic modules.

Course curriculum

    1. Lu Shou-yan Treats Anxiety with Acupuncture

    2. Lu Shou-yan Anxiety Case Study 2

    3. Guizhi Jiuni Tang for Anxiety

    4. Treating Anxiety with Chaihu Jia Longgu Muli Tang (Chen Jianguo)

    5. Wang Le-ting's Anxiety Case Studies and Needle Combinations

    6. Feng Shi-lun Treats Anxiety with Er jia Longgu Muli Tang

    7. The Heart in Tung Neuropsychiatric Treatment

    8. Using Gui Pi Tang to Treat Anxiety and Palpitations

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 10 hours of video content

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Learning from the Best

Insights and Wisdom from the Top Practitioners in China, Taiwan and Japan

There is no replacement for clinical experience. Traditional education provides students with textbook patterns and protocols, but the mechanical thinking that such education breeds breaks down when faced with the complexity of clinical reality. In the "Clinical Rounds", we help our students cultivate the agile diagnostic thinking process needed to treat complex disease by granting them exclusive, front-row access to the clinical case studies of of some of the greatest acupuncturists and herbalists of the 21st century. We select detailed, multi-visit case studies by proven masters and break down their diagnostic and treatment approaches in detail to instill you with confidence and skill through clinical immersion.


Michael Brown

Senior Instructor

Michael Brown is a scholar-practitioner currently residing in Brisbane, Australia. He has been practicing since 2009, except for a year when he was living in China. He completed an Honours of Classical Chinese in 2015 at UQ. In 2019 he and Allen Tsaur released their first translation, Explanations of Channels and Points Vol 1. In 2020, he edited the Complete Compendium of Zhang Jingyue Vol 1-3: Eight Principles, Ten Questions, and Mingmen Theory. In 2021 he released the second volume of Explanations of Channels and Points, which concluded the translation of this text. His main areas of research are on the classics of Chinese medicine as well as understanding literary trends within medical texts. In 2022, Michael edited Complete Compendium of Zhang Jingyue Vol. 50-51 Part 1: The Eight Battle Arrays of New Formulae with Commentaries and Supplementary Cases Studies. Currently, he is editing Part 2 of Jingyue’s formulae, as well as working on translating a pulse text from the Qing dynasty.

Ivan Zavala

Senior Instructor

Ivan Zavala II is the founder of Cloudgate Acupuncture and specializes in oncology, autoimmune, and complex disease. He has been the Department Head of Foundational Theory and Advanced Diagnostics at Chicago College of Oriental Medicine, where he developed and taught several foundational classes, advanced herbalism topics, acupuncture methodologies and diagnostics. Ivan is also an international lecturer in Latin America and Europe, where he has taught Shang Han Lun, Jin Gui Yao Lue and classical acupuncture principles to many. As a practitioner and professor of Chinese medicine, his interests lie in treating severe and complex disease with direct insight and guidance from the Chinese medical classics. Over the years, he has answered thousands of clinical and medical literature questions of practitioners from around the world, becoming a specialist in the illumination of the canonical corpus into practical application.

Will Ceurvels

Senior Instructor

Practitioner, translator, scholar and teacher of Chinese medicine. Will completed his rigorous 5-year Chinese medical training in Taiwan's China Medical University Post-Baccalaureate program and became one of only a handful of foreign practitioners to pass the Taiwanese medical boards and go into clinical practice on the island. While in practice, he also completed a masters in China Medical University's Chinese Medical Classics and History department, penning a Chinese-language master's thesis on 19th century materia medica master Zou Run-an's singular analysis of the pathomechanisms of formulas in Zhang Zhongjing's seminal Han dynasty classic The Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases. This research helped him to develop deeper insights into the mechanisms of actions of herbs in jingfang (經方) formulas and informs his own practice and teaching. Since then, he has continued to train in jingfang under the Director of the Hu Xishu Master Physician Research Institute and jingfang pulse practitioner Chen Jianguo. (陈建国)

“The high quality expert coaching I’ve received on the ASBM (‘Clinical rounds: Shadowing with Masters’), has been worth every penny of the membership fee. It’s given valuable insights into complex clinical cases, allowing me to improve diagnosis, herbal prescription, point selection and technique. The discussion and advice offered on my private cases has also offered new perspectives allowing positive changes to my treatment strategies and results. Best of all, you can access the videos and ask questions in your time frame, at your own pace. ”

Michele Horn Tomic