A systematic and comprehensive course on the theory and practice of jingfang medicine.

  1.  Learn the pathomechanisms and pharmacomechanisms of Shanghan Lun formulas from the influential commentaries of the mechanism school scholar-practitioners Zhang Zhi-cong, Tang Zong-hai, Cao Ying-fu and Huang Yuan-yu. (張志聰,唐宗海,曹穎甫,黃元御)
  2. Learn how to identify formula patterns with confidence and accuracy through the clinical insights of modern masters like Huang Huang, Liu Bao-he, Lou Shao-kun, Huang Shi-pei , Terasawa Masayoshi, Ouyang Wei-quan and more. (黃煌,劉保和,婁紹昆,黃仕沛,寺澤捷年,歐陽衛權)
  3. Learn the five-step method for jingfang intake and diagnosis codified by Liu Guan-tao and exemplified in the works of Hu Xi-shu. (劉觀濤,胡希恕)
  4. Learn jingfang style palpation diagnosis (fukushin) of abdominal patterns from fukushin masters Ken Fujihara and Domei Yakazu. (虅平建,矢數道明)
  5. Learn jingfang pulse diagnosis from the modern authority on jingfang pulse, Chen Jian-guo(陳建國), with additional insights from jingfang pulse scholar and practitioner Xu Ru-qi (徐汝奇)
  6. Access countless case studies in mental health, autoimmune, gynecology, dermatology etc.  from modern masters along with detailed commentary. 
  7. Enjoy monthly Q&A sessions with the professor addressing student case studies and other questions.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Jingfang Thought and the Historical Origins and Development of the Shanghan Lun

    2. Jingfang Intake Training

    1. Taiyang Physiology and Pathology

    2. Symptom Presentation in Taiyang Disease, Cold Damage and Wind Strike

    1. Guizhi Tang Pathomechanism and Herbal Constituent Mechanisms of Action Pt.1

    2. Guizhi Tang Pathomechansim and Herbal Constituent Mechanisms of Action Pt.2

    3. Guizhi Tang Symptom Pattern and Case Studies

    4. Guizhi Tang Modifications: Guizhi jia Gegen Tang

    5. Guizhi Tang Modifications: Gegen Tang

    6. Guizhi Tang Modifications: Guizhi jia Houpu Xingzi Tang

    1. Mahuang Tang: Pathomechanisms and Herbal Constituent Mechanisms of Actions, Symptom Pattern, Pulse/Abdomen Pattern and Case Studies

    2. Gui Zhi Ma Huang Ge Ban Tang, Gui Zhi Er Ma Huang Yi Tang, Gui Zhi Er Yue Bei Yi Tang

    3. Da Qing Long Tang

    4. Xiao Qing Long Tang

    1. Shanghan Lun Knowledge Evaluation

    1. Wu Ling San

About this course

  • $500.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 25.5 hours of video content

Pricing options

We're offering two different pricing options to try to accomodate all budgets!


Will Ceurvels

Senior Instructor

Practitioner, translator, scholar and teacher of Chinese medicine. Will completed his rigorous 5-year Chinese medical training in Taiwan's China Medical University Post-Baccalaureate program and became one of only a handful of foreign practitioners to pass the Taiwanese medical boards and go into clinical practice on the island. While in practice, he also completed a masters in China Medical University's Chinese Medical Classics and History department, penning a Chinese-language master's thesis on 19th century materia medica master Zou Run-an's singular analysis of the pathomechanisms of formulas in Zhang Zhongjing's seminal Han dynasty classic The Treatise on Cold Damage and Miscellaneous Diseases. This research helped him to develop deeper insights into the mechanisms of actions of herbs in jingfang (經方) formulas and informs his own practice and teaching. Since then, he has continued to train in jingfang under the Director of the Hu Xishu Master Physician Research Institute and jingfang pulse practitioner Chen Jianguo. (陈建国)