Formula Patterns and the Art of Diagnosis

Twentieth Century jingfang master Liu Du-zhou once said, "The pattern is our entryway to the understanding of disease, and formulas are the means by which we treat them." The Chinese clinical juggernaut Hu Xishu also opined, "The formula pattern is the entryway to all diagnosis." Each formula pattern presentation has its own personality, quirks and idiosynchrasies: To become a jingfang practititioner is to become attuned to these patterns of presentation, to aquire the gaze of the classical doctor, of Zhang Zhongjing himself, and to learn to penetrate through the myriad symptom presentations of the patient and grasp the core of their disease etiology. 

  • Learn how to identify formula patterns with confidence and accuracy through the clinical insights of modern masters like Huang Huang, Liu Bao-he, Lou Shao-kun, Huang Shi-pei , Terasawa Masayoshi, Ouyang Wei-quan and more. (黃煌,劉保和,婁紹昆,黃仕沛,寺澤捷年,歐陽衛權)
  • Learn the five-step method for jingfang intake and diagnosis codified by Liu Guan-tao and exemplified in the works of Hu Xi-shu. (劉觀濤,胡希恕)
  • Access countless case studies in mental health, autoimmune, gynecology, dermatology etc.  from modern masters along with detailed commentary. 
  • Enjoy monthly Q&A sessions with the professor addressing student case studies and other questions.
  • Join a community of jingfang students and practitioners and enjoy lively discussion and mutual support. 

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to Jingfang Thought and the Historical Origins and Development of the Shanghan Lun

    2. Jingfang Intake Training

    1. Guizhi Tang in Clinic

    2. Mahuang Tang in Clinic

    3. Xiaoqinglong Tang in Clinic

    4. Wuling San In Clinic

About this course

  • Free
  • 6 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

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